29 May, 2008

Updates and such....

Hey ya'll, thought I'd give everyone a brief update. Finally got the immunization restriction lifted on my student account (thanks ma!) and was able to register for classes! Yes, so exciting...okay I admit it, I'm the nerd supreme and picking classes is quite the thrill for lil' ol' me. I'm registered for a archaeology theory course, which should be interesting as I took something similar my last quarter at UChicago so it will be fun to compare. I will also be taking a course taught by my advisor and the professor I most want to work with, T. Inomata, on Mesoamerican archaeology, focusing on Mexico north of the Maya region. Sweet.

The last class was kind of hard to choose as originally I was supposed to register for another requirement but at the last minute an email was sent out detailing a change of plans. Shoot. So I had to rush around and try to choose another course...and unfortunately there were none that really grabbed my attention. Finally settled on a course with the topic of Anazasi archaeology (the more general Southwest archaeology course is being taught by a professor I had been just warned against) and funny enough one of the two professors teaching that course is C. Adams, who is a good friend of my Grandpa's who he worked with during a field season at Crow Canyon. Sweet! Already got the connections...

In other news, we've moved into the lab and out of the field officially. Arg, would rather be hiking up the hill than spending nine hours in silence, but that's a story best told over several beers in sympathetic company. Also, my time down here is coming to a close, which I am really sad about. Not sure if I want to come back at all, in all truth. Oaxaca is too much like home, I love it here. Plus, I'm a Mexican for all those concerned anyway...and suddenly I have become fluent in Spanish. Oh well. That's why I'm going to try to extend my ticket!

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