26 January, 2005

Ice Ice Baby

Okay, this explanation is a little late in coming but here goes.....

Two weekends ago our forefathers....no, just kidding....but seriously about two weekends ago A and I went with another couple (double couple trip! Gosh I feel so grown up!) to dude's father's condo in the sky...wait I have to stop this....its a condo in Door County (and if anyone is unfamiliar with little ole Door County, its that little piece of Wisconson that sticks out into Lake Michigan, like a little wang te he). We spent the weekend there and had a totally awesome time. At some point on Saturday we decided to brave the cold--which did in fact take a lot of balls to brave as it was only 2 degrees above 0!--and check out the lake.

What was really cool (no pun intended) was the lake was completely frozen over. We had talked earlier about walking on ice (like Jesus but this is no miracle) and so, seeing the lake was one big ice sheet, we braved it again and walked out. And you know what? It was pretty f**king cool....but dont take my word for it, check out the pictures in a series that I like to call "Gratuitous Ice-ity".


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