19 May, 2008

Bail! Bail! Bail!

On one of the few days I forgot my camera....the site was very interesting today. When we woke up this morning I noticed that there was a light drizzle. Linda informed us that there must be a tormenta somewhere, perhaps in Veracruz, otherwise it wouldn't be raining in the morning. La fresa, our new roommate, was given the chance to stay home since she was still sorta sick and there wouldn't have been much for her to do. I wasn't jealous of that at all, as I would so rather be in the field than stuck in the lab.

So we drove up to the site and it was still drizziling a bit, thank god I had my raincoat with me. We walked up in the rain and at one point entered the nebrina (fog) that was hanging heavily around the top. Once en la encima, gosh it was incredible! Everything was covered in the fog, and of course I forgot my camera! Still raining a bit. The site was practically a lake, which meant we had to bail water out, even if it was raining since you just cannot live it sitting there.

Minvera had the good idea that we should form a cadena (chain)and pass buckets along. Being the good sport that I am and wanting to get some physical labor in I put myself at the front and filled cubeta (bucket) after cubeta of water. I did this for over an hour and it felt incredible! I felt so strong and accomplished afterwards, hauling heavy buckets and passing them on. It rocked.

Eventually the rain cleared up and we were able to get to work. Since the season is winding down, most of the crew backfilled while I mapped, worked the transit and even got to excavate a little. Sweet. Tomorrow we will have to bail as well since its raining right now--the rainy season has officially started--and I will of course be at the front of the line, bailing.

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